ECTP-CEU Autumn General Assembly 2023 to be held in Gdansk (Poland) with Conference on ‘Transforming Cities’
At the generous invitation of the Gdansk City Architect, Professor Piotr Lorens and the TUP President, Tomasz Majda, the ECTP-CEU Autumn General Assembly 2023 is going to be held in Gdansk (Poland) from 4th November – 8th November 2023, alongside their conference on ‘Transforming Cities’. The City Architect is inviting contributions from planners across Europe to contribute to the conference. The ECTP-CEU Young Planners’ Workshop will be incorporated into the conference. More details will follow soon.
We can also announce that the combined event of the ECTP-CEU’s 14th Bienniale of European Towns and Town Planners and the 13th European Urban and Regional Planning Awards will be held in Naples, Italy in May 2024. All are welcome to this special conference on ‘Inclusive Cities and Regions – Territoires Inclusifs’. Calls for the awards and for projects for presentation at the biennale will be made this year on the ECTP-CEU website and social media platforms.