AIVP, the worldwide network of port cities, was founded in France in the port-city of Le Havre in 1988. The Association includes today nearly 200 ports, cities, business firms or public organisations. The AIVP international network covers 48 countries.
The active members of AIVP all share the same will: to improve the dialogue between the cities and the ports and to favor exchanges of experience between port city communities. In fields as diversified as the issues of urban development at the city- port interfaces, territorial development policies, sustainable development and the environment, the particular economies of port communities… the stakeholders in port cities wish to exchange their respective know-how so as to be able to advance better into the future. Joint city – port development projects are at the centre of the work of AIVP.
Le Réseau Mondial des Villes Portuaires
5 quai de la Saône
76600 Le Havre (France)
tél : +33 (0)2 35 42 78 84
fax : + 33 (0)2 35 42 21 94
email : aivp@aivp.org