New ECTP-CEU ExCo 2021-2025

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At its Autumn General Assembly in Athens on 5 November 2021, the European Council of Town Planners (ECTP-CEU) elected its new Executive Committee (ExCo) for the next four years until autumn 2025.

Its composition is as follows:

  • Janet Askew, RTPI (Royal Town Planning Institute – United Kingdom), as President;
  • Markus Hedorfer, ASSURB (Associazione Nazionale degli Urbanisti e dei Pianificatori Territoriali e Ambientali, National Association of Town and  Country Planners and Environmental Planners – Italy), as Vice-President ;
  • Chantal Guillet, SFU (Société Française des Urbanistes, French Society of Urban Planners – France), as Secretary General
  • Gerhard Vittinghoff, bAIK (Bundeskammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen, Federal Chamber of Civil Engineers – Austria), as Treasurer
  • Martin Baloga, ZUUPS (Združenie pre urbanizmus a územné plánovanie na Slovensku, Association of Urban and Regional Planning – Slovakia ) – Administrator
  • Kent Håkull, FKP (Forum for Kommunal Planlegging, Municipal Planning Forum – Norway) – Administrator
  • Catherine Vilquin, CUB (Chambre des Urbanistes de Belgique, Chamber of Urban Planners of Belgium) – Administrator